Microsoft Launches Online H1N1 Flu Response Center to Support Consumers

Microsoft is committed to improving health around the world through software innovation. Over the past 12 years, Microsoft has steadily increased its investments in health, with a focus on addressing the challenges of health providers, health and social services organizations, payers, consumers and life sciences companies worldwide.

So in this healthy step now Microsoft forwarded towards supporting Consumers by launcing an online H1N1 Flu Response Center. With the current H1N1 flu (swine flu) pandemic under way, many public health officials are concerned that critical healthcare resources could be stretched thin as people flood hospital emergency departments and physicians’ offices to determine whether they have the illness. In response, Microsoft Corp. today announced a new Web site, H1N1 Response Center (H1N1ResponseCenter), which provides users with timely and relevant content and enables consumers to gauge symptoms and receive guidance using an H1N1 self-assessment service.

David Cerino, general manager, Microsoft Health Solutions Group said:

“Any pandemic has the potential to create major disruptions in society, Now more than ever, we are in a position to implement solutions to help people make better decisions during these outbreaks, such as social distancing, because of the technological advancements that companies like Microsoft have made over the past few years.”

Courtesy Microsoft PressPass