Check DNS Changer Malware infection automatically

DNS Changer Malware may affect you too and will let the cyber criminals control DNS Server of your computer or your network router. It’s necessary and important to check out whether you are infected from this DNS Changer Malware to stay safe and secure. In case your system is infected by this Trojan then your DNS Server settings may be replaced by the Rogue DNS Server List. McAfee offers solution for this Trojan and also helps in checking out the infected PCs. Visit Malware DNS Check website you’ll see the following webpage:

DNS Changer Malware

Then click on Check Now. You’ll be redirected to another page. In case you are affected with the DNS Changer Malware then McAfee will offer you free solution for the same else you’ll see the following page:

DNS Chager Malware

Alternate way to check whether you are infected or not as may be the page you are accessing are not the legitimate one.  You can visit any of the following DNS Changer Malware Infection checking website authenticated by FBI:

URL Language Maintainer English DNS Changer Working Group (DCWG) German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) &Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Finnish, Swedish, English CERT-FI is the Finnish national reporting point for computer security incidents and information security threats. CERT-FI is also responsible of maintaining the national information security situation awareness system. Swedish, Finnish, English CERT-FI is the Finnish national reporting point for computer security incidents and information security threats. CERT-FI is also responsible of maintaining the national information security situation awareness system. Dutch/French CERT-BE is the primary Belgian contact point for dealing with Internet security threats and vulnerabilities affecting Belgian interests. French Le CERT-LEXSI est la division de veille et d’enquête sur Internet, dédiée à la protection du patrimoine en ligne des organisations. English/French Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) and Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre (CCIRC) English CIRCL (Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg) is the national Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT – CERT) coordination center for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Dutch SIDN (the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands) English CERT Australia, Stay Smart Online, and Australian Communications and Media Authority joint page on DNSChanger Information German, Spanish, English ECO (Association of the German Internet Industry) Malaysian, English Hosted by CyberSecurity Malaysia and MYCERT Japanese JPCERT/CC – Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center Italiano Telecom Italia Security Operation Center – IT.TS.SOC

As soon as you come to know that your computer system or any home based router is infected by DNSChanger Malware then you must fix it. Here is how to fix the DNSChanger Malware.